Wednesday, May 15, 2019

10 Ways Businesses Can Benefit From a Mobile App

Not so long ago mobile apps were a commodity that only corporations and big businesses could afford. However, thanks to the rapid development of mobile technologies many medium and small businesses can afford a mobile app. Mobile apps have been doing small miracles for many medium and small businesses. The positive effects and the value they provide is noted in various reports from several research agencies.

The following list contains the top ten ways a business can grow with a mobile app.

Customer support

An app makes it easier for your clients to reach your customer support. At the same time, it becomes easier for your customer support people to direct their attention on your app and answer questions there. It’s a win-win situation for both the clients and the customer support people. Mobile apps work as a boon for a business and make customers their top priority. 


Having an app means it’s much easier to reach out to your loyal customers about a new product or a promotion you are running. Everyone with the app will see the notification on their app. That helps businesses sell directly to their client base.
Build a community

According to statistics, an average American uses the mobile device for more than two hours every day. The idea is to increase the engagement of your users, as well as to create a base of loyal users. Many apps include features like comments, chatting and post sharing to social networks. According to some company reports, those features increased user engagement and raised brand loyalty.

Market research

There is no better focus group than your app users. An app presents a unique opportunity to test their opinion about a new product or service you want to launch. Motivate your users with a perk or two, and you will get the best possible feedback. Best focus group ever.

Build loyalty

A mobile app builds loyalty with customers and from one time buyers creates repetitive ones. You can show their savings directly on their account and give exclusive discounts only for the app holders. To them, that will send the message that you value their loyalty and for you, that will translate in pure profit.

Save their payment details

Your customers can save payment details and can buy stuff or services with the click of a button. It might look like a small matter, but most people dislike the part when they need to provide their bank and card information over and over. On the other hand, a one-click payment on an app they trust is pretty convenient.

Complement your website

Mobile apps and websites go hand in hand, and that's pretty much a fact recognized by all serious businesses. They both complement each other each in its way. A website is perfect for when you are sitting in front of your PC, while an app is perfect when you are on the go or don't have a PC nearby.

Reach out to a younger generation of users

A significant percentage of young people use apps and don't bother with anything else. A business with an app is more appealing to that group of people. The trick is to make them install it by providing some enticement. Something that will grab their attention and make them curious. Rest is up to them and if they think the app is worth their time.

Increase Brand Recognition

When it comes to marketing, pretty much the same things are repeated over and over and is difficult to stand out. Flashy sign boards, magazine and newspaper ads, social media advertising...everyone is doing the same thing. Uniqueness is necessary to create a real brand. However, when you combine all those advertisement strategies, customer engagement can do miracles to your brand recognition efforts. This is a proven approach that has already given great results for certain companies. 

Be ahead of your competitors

It's 2019, yet there are so many businesses that ignore the need for a mobile app even though all the data points to that. However, that plays in your favor. Nowadays, developing a business app is much cheaper and faster than a few years ago. For most of the businesses it is not a question whether they can afford it or not, it is a question of willingness and execution. If you have an application representing your brand or business, then it will get you an edge over your competitors.

A mobile app offers a ton of benefits. Not having one, provides a ton of disadvantages. The question is a rather simple - on what end do you want to be? The one that grows or the one that stagnates and watches the progress of others.